Sunday, December 6, 2015

WSF Bay Area Classic at the Tampa Convention Center in Tampa, FL

This weekend was full of excitement and great performances by many teams at the . All of the performers were excellent and it was a fun event! Our daughter, Chloe, is a team member of Legendary Athletics located in Longwood, Florida.  This was her teams first performance of the competition season and they won first place overall and received a full paid bid to Summit! Wow, what a start to the season! 
Legendary Athletics has competitive dance and cheer team so make sure you check them out at  The coaches are amazing, talented and most of all positively encouraging! We are thankful to be a part of the Legendary family and look forward to what else this season holds!

Please provide email to login and view the photos THX

Click on images below to view all the photos!
WSF Bay Area Classic

 Click on image to view photos

 Click on image to view photos

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Chloe at Legendary Athletics Talk of the Town November 21st 2015

We are newbies this year to Legendary Athletics and we couldn’t be any happier! It’s a wonderfully organized, well-run program with a positive coaching staff who go above and beyond to let the athletes know how important and accepted they are!  On Nov. 21st we attended the Talk of the Town Showcase hosted by Legendary and we were amazed at the talented young athletes. We are beyond proud and excited to attend competitions with this team.  No matter what happens though, it’s the positive, caring attitudes of the coaches and parents that will make this a season to remember! Thank you all for welcoming us into the Legendary Family- please feel free to pass along this link to the photos Tony captured, at the Showcase, to other families as we do not know everyone yet:) 

Enjoy the Free Downloads
Tony, Kim, and Chloe

“The nice thing about teamwork is that you always have others on your side.” Margaret Carty

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Aspire Multimedia & Photography: Behind the Scenes with Encore Performing Arts Studio 2015

Encore Performing Arts Studio owners, Nicki and Annie, have welcomed us into their dance family again this year and it was just as exciting as before! Our family was fortunate enough to spend the day capturing costume, dance & personality memories that will last for years to come. The owners, instructors, parents and dancers were so KIND! The dancers are polite and offer a helping hand as well as listen to their teachers and the photographer giving them direction! It's always with great anticipation we photograph these dancers each year. We look forward to seeing their growth in so many ways! Thank you Encore for the opportunity to share in your dancers' day and capture another fleeting moment in time! 

Don't forget to Like us on Facebook and give us a positive review!
Dance Recital Photography
Click on either photo to see all the BTS photos!!
Aspire Multimedia & Photography

Enjoy the Behind The Scenes Video below :)

Annie: I don't need sunshine now to turn my skies to blue. I Don't Need Anything But You.

Monday, March 16, 2015

The power of RAW!

The power of RAW

I had to share this before-after to demonstrate what can happen during a shoot. For some reason, the strobes did not fire. I knew I had a great shot as soon as I snapped it. But... when I went to the laptop and noticed a black image, I felt my stomach hit the ground! I missed it!!! Arrrgggggg &^%#$#!@@#$

After the shoot, I went and decided to visit this "dark" image and see what bumping up the exposure would reveal. I knew it... it WAS the look I was striving for with my son, Luke. I did ask him to get back in front of the camera for a quick re-take but as we both knew... it was a long shot so we just went on.

Call me stubborn, but I just cranked all the settings to the max and performed some magic... the above AFTER photo. I'm pretty happy with it, and so is Luke.

Big lesson for the day... shoot your images in RAW. You never know what spectacular image you would miss if you didn't.

Friday, March 6, 2015

Just in time. Here's a dancer going places!

Happy Friday! It's been a long week and finally had the chance to edit this photo we took of Samantha Frahn this past weekend!!   More images just around the corner.  But in the mean time.....

Don’t forget this weekend is Spring forward! We lose an hour of our day! Saturday night/Sunday early morning at about 2am set your clocks forward 1 hour.
So now that you know you’re losing an hour, do you know why?? And other interesting things about Daylight Saving Time!

DST first used in Germany
US inventor and politician Benjamin Franklin first proposed the concept of DST in 1784, but modern Daylight Saving Time first saw the light of day, in 1895 when an entomologist from New Zealand, George Vernon Hudson, presented a proposal for a two-hour daylight saving shift. However, Germany was the first country to implement DST on April 30, 1916 when the clocks were set forward at 11 pm.

Though often referred to as daylight savings time (the plural form of “saving”), the correct name is daylight saving time.

Hawaii and Arizona (except for the state’s Navajo Nation) do not observe daylight saving time.

The U.S. Territories of American Samoa, Guam, Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands and the Northern Mariana Islands remain on standard time year-round.

“Since 1915, the principal supporter of daylight saving in the United States has been the Chamber of Commerce on behalf of small business and retailers…The Chamber understood that if you give workers more sunlight at the end of the day they’ll stop and shop on their way home.”

In 2007, Daylight Saving got a few weeks longer, running from the second Sunday in March to the first Sunday in November.

And for those that need a little motivation, Krispy Kreme plans to continue its tradition of handing out a free glazed donut to everybody that visits their stores on Sunday!

Sunday, March 1, 2015

Dance School Photography - Dance Recital Photography - Orlando High Key Photographer

Are you a dance studio looking for quality, high key (white background) dance recital photos for your dance school or advertising purposes?  
Well go no further, you have found Aspire M & P!  
Contact us and schedule a phone or personal consultation regarding your Dance Photography needs today!

Link to more photos

Dance Recital Photographer
Add caption
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High Key Photographer-3
High Key Photographer-4

High Key Photographer-5

High Key Photographer-6

Saturday, February 28, 2015

Studio One Productions ‪#‎King_DayDayyy‬ class 02252015 at StudioOne

Another great class at Studio One featuring Daquan "King DayDayyy" Barnes!!

$10 for class...  10pm EVERY Wednesday
Top Gun Gym
7307 Sandcove Ct, Winter Park 32792 For More...  
For More...Visit... 

Monday, February 23, 2015

Preparing for a Headshot

Proudly active Protege in Peter Hurley's HeadShot Crew

Are you thinking of getting headshots? We certainly hope so! Here is some useful information to make sure you’re ready for your time in the spotlight!:) Headshots are your own personal branding, they will represent you at your best- the you that you want agents & your next employer to see! Headshots are all about your face! Your eyes are the first thing you want an agent and/ or casting director to notice, then your smile & other features. Thus, during your headshot session the focus is all on your face, our goal will be to depict you in various “characters” depending upon what role or roles you will be auditioning. 


Your attire needs to be clean & wrinkle free! Bring them on hangers to avoid wrinkles (yes t-shirts on hangers too:) We recommend you bring at least 3-4 solid colored tops with various necklines & tops of various styles for the session & place them on hangers to avoid wrinkles. Your color choices should complement your skintone and eye color. If you have a specific color that your friends & family say look great on you, by all means bring that color, along with some other colors. Interesting textures are acceptable, but no busy patterns, stripes or lines please! Layers are a great choice also, especially for business professional headshots!


 Please be sure your hair, whether straight or curly, is how you would wear if for auditions or submissions to agents. Although you can put styling products in your hair, it still needs to look natural. Do your best to make sure you do not have “fly aways” as these add more time to the editing process, cannot be guaranteed to be “fixed” and may cause an additional editing fee. Be sure to bring a brush/ comb, hairspray, hairpins (if needed), and any other styling products for your specific needs. Do not get a new haircut or color your hair within a week of your photoshoot!
 For lots more useful information please follow our blog! :) 

Show me an actress who isn't a personality and I'll show you a woman who isn't a star.
 Katherine Hepburn

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Help Our Business Grow!

Many of you have sung our praises and we greatly appreciate it! Fortunately,we are often told what an enjoyable time you had during your session, how relaxed you felt and how much fun you had! We love compliments! And to take it a step further, we would be very appreciative if you would please rate us on Facebook! All of us, in any industry value compliments and referrals! It is the easiest thing you can do to help our business grow! 

Just go to our Facebook page and look for the STARS where you can rate us from 1-5 stars! Thank you, thank you and thank you again! 

Below are some positive affirmations for you as well!:)
  • I am the architect of my life; I build its foundation and choose its contents. 
  • I have been given endless talents which I begin to utilize today. 
  • Creative energy surges through me and leads me to new and brilliant ideas. 
  • My ability to conquer my challenges is limitless; my potential to succeed is infinite.
  • Today, I abandon my old habits and take up new, more positive ones.
  •  Many people look up to me and recognize my worth; I am admired. 
  • My life is just beginning.


Monday, February 16, 2015


Chloe Wants You!

Social media is a huge part of all of our lives and we all want to be seen at our best, right? We all have accounts that require a ‘profile picture’. Many of us will post us with our friends, couples, kids, funny events, quotes, and the list goes on and on. However, if you are in the business world, you know that your co-workers, your boss and more importantly future boss IS going through ALL your social media sites. If you think they aren’t, you are wrong! That being said, you can understand the importance of your ‘profile picture’, as well as any other photos you are posting. Please be aware that you are being judged by what you post. Your future employer can’t say they are not hiring you for that reason, but they WILL find a reason not to hire you. So, think twice about what you’re posting on social media. Let the things you post show you in a positive light:)

 Follow this link for more information on the subject! 

By giving people the power to share, we're making the world more transparent. 
Mark Zuckerberg

Saturday, February 7, 2015

Bringing out your "inner model"

Today we had the honor of photographing another outstanding dancer.  We love headshot sessions because each person has different qualities and talents. We find it so exciting to capture their unique characteristics and personalities! Some exude great confidence, while others are a little timid and unsure of themselves. However, we can honestly say, that we take great pride in bringing out their "inner model". Those who come in unsure and unconfident, leave with a greater understanding of their own body language and facial expressions- therefore, confidence!  Clients who come to us with confidence also leave with a greater understanding of how their personality translates to photos. When the client can finish their session with too many photos to choose from-we feel great! 

Confidence is key to having a great audition submission. You want to stand out from the rest and make the casting director want to find you during the audition process! You also want to go to each audition with the confidence that you took the time to get high quality headshots-not just a snapshot on a phone or other device. Casting directors appreciate that you invested in yourself and believe in your talent by getting professional headshots.

In today's world of social media, professional headshots are a must! If you are actively auditioning, running a business, trying to start a business, etc., you should present yourself in a way that is authentic and stands out.  Please feel free to e-mail or call today and set up your session! We look forward to hearing from you:)

Always be a first-rate version of yourself, 

instead of a second-rate version of somebody else.

- Judy Garland

Friday, February 6, 2015

Keeping busy...

We sincerely hope your 2015 has started out with happiness, health & progress towards your goals!  But don’t despair if you have not stayed on the path towards those goals whatever they may be! 

Many of us put too much pressure on ourselves to start something new on January 1st of the new year. Quite honestly it can be too much pressure to put that date as the only day you can start a new beginning.  We are now into the first week of February and if you have not stayed on track or even started- don’t worry! Every day is a new day! You don’t have to wait for morning, or Monday or the next month- just start! Live your life by the hour if you must! For example, maybe you ate a donut for breakfast (again) and you feel as if you ruined your diet already. Forget that mentality! This is a new hour! You can still choose to eat healthy foods:) Maybe you plan to write a novel, a movie, become an actor, singer, etc. Any day you start is the perfect day!

 Are you new to photography & planned (in the New Year) to learn how to finally take your camera off of “Automatic” and really learn what each setting can do? Again, every day is a new day! Go learn something new about your camera right now! 


Behind the scenes at Aspire Multimedia & Photography, we may not be keeping up with our blogs, but we have most certainly been busy! If you’re following us on Facebook, you will see the numerous amounts of headshots filling up our portfolio. We’ve also filmed a few concept video’s for our local celebrity choreographers here in Orlando! Our son, Luke, has also done an amazing job editing photos & videos while also updating our new logo!

Check our social media sites frequently for updates, sales & of course new pictures! Find us on Facebook, Instagram & Twitter.

Remember, each day, each hour, each minute is a new moment to start anything you want!

“Live each day as if your life had just begun.”

– Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe