Monday, March 16, 2015

The power of RAW!

The power of RAW

I had to share this before-after to demonstrate what can happen during a shoot. For some reason, the strobes did not fire. I knew I had a great shot as soon as I snapped it. But... when I went to the laptop and noticed a black image, I felt my stomach hit the ground! I missed it!!! Arrrgggggg &^%#$#!@@#$

After the shoot, I went and decided to visit this "dark" image and see what bumping up the exposure would reveal. I knew it... it WAS the look I was striving for with my son, Luke. I did ask him to get back in front of the camera for a quick re-take but as we both knew... it was a long shot so we just went on.

Call me stubborn, but I just cranked all the settings to the max and performed some magic... the above AFTER photo. I'm pretty happy with it, and so is Luke.

Big lesson for the day... shoot your images in RAW. You never know what spectacular image you would miss if you didn't.

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